Hey Everyone,
Well it is that of year for our 2nd Annual Pot Luck Dinner and a Movie! Last year we had a lot of fun eating good food and watching Tropic Thunder! This year I am thinking Anchorman since it is Journalism related :) But if anyone has any other ideas for movies coughmorgancough bring them and we can vote on a movie.
The MEMO Potluck Dinner and a Movie has been scheduled for Thursday, November 4th from 6:00pm to 8:30pm in Armory 218 (NOT 206A). We will be eating a ton of food, watching a movie, and hanging out as a group.
We need everyone to pitch in and bring food or supplies such as forks, spoons, knives, cups, drinks, dessert, main course etc… RSVP to me and let me know if you can come and what you would like to bring. If If you want to bring blankets, pillows, bean bags etc… please feel free to bring them along!
Lets make this a fun night!
Joey Maestas
Thursday, October 28, 2010
MEMO Pot Luck Dinner
Posted by MEMO at 1:05 PM 0 comments
MEMO Community Service
Hey Everyone,
Begin forwarded message:From: Nicole Rae Sandoval <Nicole.Sandoval@Colorado.EDU>Date: October 27, 2010 8:27:26 AM MDTSubject: Community Service IdeasHey Dave,
Please send this to the MEMO members!
Hello MEMO members,
Here is a list of the community service opportunities that I mentioned at our meeting on Monday evening. It is kind of a large list so I am asking EVERYONE to please choose their top 2 favorite opportunities that you would like to take part in. If there is one or two ideas that seem to be popular among everyone I will be in contact the foundation and see what it will take for MEMO to get started. If there are a number of foundations that people are interested in I wil try to make small groups and arrange an opportunity for each group to help out where they would like. I think that whether we are helping out as a large group in one community service opportunity or we help out at a number of places MEMO will be sure to do good. Let me know!
*Community Service Opportunities
1. BoulderReads - Literary Program helping children with reading.
Requirements: 6 month minimum meeting 1 or 2 times a week for and hour and a half at each meeting time. Making lesson plans is recommended. If we do choose to prosue this we need to fill out tutor applications which I will provide and there is 15 hours of training necessary.
2. Circle of Care - Senior Citizens Program
This program would involve us going to performances with a senior citizens and would involve driving. However you do receive a free ticket. I was also thinking if we do this, I could speak with the theater department and see if we could get them to donate tickets to one of their upcoming shows because the they have requested donated tickets. No prior training is needed and each person only has to do this one time if they would like.
3. EFAA- Emergency Family Assistant Association (1918)
Help out families in Boulder and Broomfield Counties by providing support to families in need, people with disabilities, and senior citizens. the areas that we could help out are food,shelter, rent assistance, and utilities.
4.Holiday Food Basket Volunteers
We would help pakcing bags, delivering, and distributing.
** I really like this idea with the holidays right around the corner and this is a one time thing that we could all easily do.
5.Children Services
This program would have us assist children with their homework and with various recreational activities or do group activities with the children. This is a 6 month requirement that meets 2 times a week but between all of us we could split it up so that it can be a one or two time thing. We can make a regularly scheduled time where we do a craft with the kids or a sport.
6. Volunteer Connection
Tutoring kids ages 5-17. They are open to having us meet with the children a couple of times a week to a couple of times a month.
7. Denver Rescue Mission
As always the Denver Rescue Mission needs help. They offer group opportunities and I can call and see what this entails. We could help with serving meals and they take up to 10 people at a time so we could split up into groups and do this. The serving times are seven days a week 5:30am-6:45am, 10:30am-1:30pm, 4:30pm-6pm, and 7:30pm-9pm.
They also offer a Reading and Writing Club helping kids ages 3-18 with homework. This is monday through thursdays 4:30pm-6pm.
Another program they need hekp with is their Whiz Kids Tutoring for kids ages 6-10. This goes from October to April every Thursday from 7pm-8:30pm.
*These two tutoring programs are at the Denver Broncos Complex.
8.The Ronald McDonald House Charities of Denver
They accept donations or they need help setting up and cleaning up holiday events/ decorating.
9. El Centro Cultural Nights
I have been in contact with Felipe and I am meeting his this next week. We would help with trasportation, setup, and distributing food to the attendees. Sounds easy and fun! I would really liek to work with this group because they definitley need the help. I met them this summer and I know they would be very appreciative.
*********As a seperate component I think we should do another toy drive this year. Last year's toy drive was a success and I think it will be another success this year. I will be in contact with Dave to figure out who to contact*****
Thank you,
Nicole Sandoval Community Service Chair
p.s. If anyone has other ideas that I have not presented please let me know.
Posted by MEMO at 12:50 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Post Meeting Notes from 10/24
Here is a basic outline of what we talked about! Contact Dave or Joey with any questions...
· Attendance
· Committee Check-In
o Fundraising/Committee
§ Gave an update on Bake Sale going on in the next couple of weeks
o Design/Graphics Committee- Rachel and Ryan
§ They Gave an update on the status of the T-Shirt’s
§ Christina gave an update on the banner
o Community Service Committee- Nicole S.
§ Gave ideas about what we could do.
§ Will send out email regarding the group
o Social Network Committee- Vignesh and Christina
§ Update on Facebook! We need to expand our followers
§ We need to Twitter More! Alyssia volunteered to Tweet
· Pot Luck Date
o Next Thursday?
· Media Tour?
o Where we would like to go? Denver Post was Majority
o Days that work best?
· Diversity Moment
o Dave gave an update on the new show! Meeting will be held this Monday.. Stay tuned for details…
· Priscilla gave an update on her group!
· MEMO Website
o Revealed Final Draft and received comments
Posted by MEMO at 1:07 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 11, 2010
Meeting Reminder!
Hey Everyone,
Just a reminder about the MEMO meeting tonight (10/11) in Armory 206A at 5:30pm. See you all there!
Joey Maestas
MEMO Chair
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Posted by MEMO at 2:35 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 7, 2010
MEMO Opportunity
Dear Students,
If you're interested in teaching after you graduate, MEMO will be hosting Liz Thurston, Campus Campaign Coordinator for Teach for America. All are welcome.
October 11, 2010
Armory 206A
5:30 pm
She will be discussing the following:
Basic information about Teach For America:
-Nonprofit organization that recruits high achieving college seniors to commit to spend two years in a low income school, in order to close the achievement gap.
-Full salary and benefits are provided by the school district in which teachers are hired.
- 2-year loan forbearance program and $10,000 Americorps scholarships are available.
-Teach For America provides teaching training and facilitates licenses and certification.
-Teachers are placed in 39 regions across the country.
-Teach For America partners with hundreds of graduate schools and employers, creating opportunities for alumni after they've completed their two year commitment.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Posted by MEMO at 2:37 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Hey Everyone,
Posted by MEMO at 1:02 AM 0 comments