Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Bake Sale Day 1

The Bake Sale was a huge success!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Sunday, November 28, 2010


Hey Everyone,

I hope you had a great break! I wanted to remind you about the MEMO meeting tomorrow (11/29) at 5:30pm in Armory 206A. We will be discussing a lot of important events coming up so please try and make it! See you all then!

Joey Maestas
MEMO Chair

Friday, November 12, 2010


Hi Everyone,

I am pleased to announce the launch of our new MEMO website!

Thank you to everyone that helped make this great website a reality!

Joey Maestas
MEMO Chair

Friday, November 5, 2010


Hey everyone the potluck was a great success! Thank you for everyone that went and contributed!!

Location:20th St,Boulder,United States

Thursday, October 28, 2010

MEMO Pot Luck Dinner

Hey Everyone,

Well it is that of year for our 2nd Annual Pot Luck Dinner and a Movie! Last year we had a lot of fun eating good food and watching Tropic Thunder! This year I am thinking Anchorman since it is Journalism related :) But if anyone has any other ideas for movies coughmorgancough bring them and we can vote on a movie.

The MEMO Potluck Dinner and a Movie has been scheduled for Thursday, November 4th from 6:00pm to 8:30pm in Armory 218 (NOT 206A). We will be eating a ton of food, watching a movie, and hanging out as a group.
We need everyone to pitch in and bring food or supplies such as forks, spoons, knives, cups, drinks, dessert, main course etc… RSVP to me and let me know if you can come and what you would like to bring. If If you want to bring blankets, pillows, bean bags etc… please feel free to bring them along!
Lets make this a fun night!

Joey Maestas

MEMO Community Service

Hey Everyone,

Below is a list of Community Service Ideas from Nicole. I would like EVERYONE to participate and make sure you get back to Nicole telling her your event preference. Community Service is VERY important for your resume's and for our group. Please make sure you are taking advantage of opportunities, such as the ones below, when they arise.

Let me know if you have any questions!

Joey Maestas
MEMO Chair

Begin forwarded message:

From: Nicole Rae Sandoval <Nicole.Sandoval@Colorado.EDU>
Date: October 27, 2010 8:27:26 AM MDT
Subject: Community Service Ideas

Hey Dave,
Please send this to the MEMO members!

Hello MEMO members,
Here is a list of the community service opportunities that I mentioned at our meeting on Monday evening. It is kind of a large list so I am asking EVERYONE to please choose their top 2 favorite opportunities that you would like to take part in. If there is one or two ideas that seem to be popular among everyone I will be in contact the foundation and see what it will take for MEMO to get started. If there are a number of foundations that people are interested in I wil try to make small groups and arrange an opportunity for each group to help out where they would like. I think that whether we are helping out as a large group in one community service opportunity or we help out at a number of places MEMO will be sure to do good. Let me know!

*Community Service Opportunities
1. BoulderReads - Literary Program helping children with reading.
Requirements: 6 month minimum meeting 1 or 2 times a week for and hour and a half at each meeting time. Making lesson plans is recommended. If we do choose to prosue this we need to fill out tutor applications which I will provide and there is 15 hours of training necessary.

2. Circle of Care - Senior Citizens Program
This program would involve us going to performances with a senior citizens and would involve driving. However you do receive a free ticket. I was also thinking if we do this, I could speak with the theater department and see if we could get them to donate tickets to one of their upcoming shows because the they have requested donated tickets. No prior training is needed and each person only has to do this one time if they would like.

3. EFAA- Emergency Family Assistant Association (1918)
Help out families in Boulder and Broomfield Counties by providing support to families in need, people with disabilities, and senior citizens. the areas that we could help out are food,shelter, rent assistance, and utilities.

4.Holiday Food Basket Volunteers
We would help pakcing bags, delivering, and distributing.
** I really like this idea with the holidays right around the corner and this is a one time thing that we could all easily do.

5.Children Services
This program would have us assist children with their homework and with various recreational activities or do group activities with the children. This is a 6 month requirement that meets 2 times a week but between all of us we could split it up so that it can be a one or two time thing. We can make a regularly scheduled time where we do a craft with the kids or a sport.

6. Volunteer Connection
Tutoring kids ages 5-17. They are open to having us meet with the children a couple of times a week to a couple of times a month.

7. Denver Rescue Mission
As always the Denver Rescue Mission needs help. They offer group opportunities and I can call and see what this entails. We could help with serving meals and they take up to 10 people at a time so we could split up into groups and do this. The serving times are seven days a week 5:30am-6:45am, 10:30am-1:30pm, 4:30pm-6pm, and 7:30pm-9pm.
They also offer a Reading and Writing Club helping kids ages 3-18 with homework. This is monday through thursdays 4:30pm-6pm.
Another program they need hekp with is their Whiz Kids Tutoring for kids ages 6-10. This goes from October to April every Thursday from 7pm-8:30pm.
*These two tutoring programs are at the Denver Broncos Complex.

8.The Ronald McDonald House Charities of Denver
They accept donations or they need help setting up and cleaning up holiday events/ decorating.

9. El Centro Cultural Nights
I have been in contact with Felipe and I am meeting his this next week. We would help with trasportation, setup, and distributing food to the attendees. Sounds easy and fun! I would really liek to work with this group because they definitley need the help. I met them this summer and I know they would be very appreciative.

*********As a seperate component I think we should do another toy drive this year. Last year's toy drive was a success and I think it will be another success this year. I will be in contact with Dave to figure out who to contact*****

Thank you,
Nicole Sandoval Community Service Chair

p.s. If anyone has other ideas that I have not presented please let me know.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Post Meeting Notes from 10/24

Here is a basic outline of what we talked about! Contact Dave or Joey with any questions...


· Attendance

· Committee Check-In

o Fundraising/Committee

§ Gave an update on Bake Sale going on in the next couple of weeks

o Design/Graphics Committee- Rachel and Ryan

§ They Gave an update on the status of the T-Shirt’s

§ Christina gave an update on the banner

o Community Service Committee- Nicole S.

§ Gave ideas about what we could do.

§ Will send out email regarding the group

o Social Network Committee- Vignesh and Christina

§ Update on Facebook! We need to expand our followers

§ We need to Twitter More! Alyssia volunteered to Tweet

· Pot Luck Date

o Next Thursday?

· Media Tour?

o Where we would like to go? Denver Post was Majority

o Days that work best?

· Diversity Moment

o Dave gave an update on the new show! Meeting will be held this Monday.. Stay tuned for details…

· Priscilla gave an update on her group!

· MEMO Website

o Revealed Final Draft and received comments

Monday, October 11, 2010

Meeting Reminder!

Hey Everyone,

Just a reminder about the MEMO meeting tonight (10/11) in Armory 206A at 5:30pm. See you all there!

Joey Maestas
MEMO Chair

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, October 7, 2010

MEMO Opportunity

Dear Students,

If you're interested in teaching after you graduate, MEMO will be hosting Liz Thurston, Campus Campaign Coordinator for Teach for America. All are welcome.

October 11, 2010
Armory 206A
5:30 pm

She will be discussing the following:

Basic information about Teach For America:

-Nonprofit organization that recruits high achieving college seniors to commit to spend two years in a low income school, in order to close the achievement gap.
-Full salary and benefits are provided by the school district in which teachers are hired.
- 2-year loan forbearance program and $10,000 Americorps scholarships are available.
-Teach For America provides teaching training and facilitates licenses and certification.
-Teachers are placed in 39 regions across the country.
-Teach For America partners with hundreds of graduate schools and employers, creating opportunities for alumni after they've completed their two year commitment.



- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to remind you of our next MEMO meeting this Monday (10/11) in Armory 206A at 5:30pm.

I would like all committee chairs to present what their group has done, goals that have been put into place, and what members of MEMO can do to contribute to that committee. If you are a committee chair and cannot make it please have one of your members present for you. We will be taking pictures of all the committee chairs for the new website so please try to make it!

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!

Joey Maestas
MEMO Chair

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

SJMC Essay Workshop

Hey Everyone,

The Essay workshop hosted by J-Board and MEMO will be this Monday, September 27th, from 4:30 to 6:30pm in Armory 206A. This would be a great opportunity for those applying into the SJMC to have there essays looked at and given advice!

Because of the workshop there will be NO MEMO MEETING this Monday. However, I would like all of the committee chairs to report their progress to me by Monday please!

Also, We need MEMO volunteers who have already been accepted into the SJMC to help out and look over essays Monday!! If you are interested please let me know.

Thank you!

Joey Maestas
MEMO Chair

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Post Meeting Notes

Here is what we talked about....

· Introductions

o Myself, Dave Martinez, and everyone else

· Talk about goals for this semester

· SOFO Account

o Volunteers to go to the meeting with me

· Social Network Committee

· T-Shirt Design Committee

· Fundraising/Financial Committee

K KUSA Welcome

· MEMO Banner?

o Who wants to look into getting the process of getting one?

· Community Service

o Ideas for this semester? Fire Victims?

o Nicole Sandoval will talk about El Centro and Grant

· Resume/Essay Workshops?

· Media Tours

o Where would everyone like to go

· Website Design

o Ideas?

o Presentation

· Goodbye

o Come to Joey’s B-Day party!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Meeting Monday

Hey Everybody,

This is just a reminder of the MEMO (Multi Ethnic Media Organization) meeting thisMonday, September 13th, in Armory 206A at 5:30pm. I look forward to seeing everyone there!

Go Buffs!

Joey Maestas
MEMO Chair

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

MEMO at the UMC Student Involvement Fair

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

MEMO Meeting

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

MEMO at the SJMC Student Fair

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Monday, August 23, 2010

Welcome Back!

Hey Everyone,

I hope you all had a great summer! The SJMC Student Information Fair will take place this Wednesday, Aug. 25, on the lawn in front of the Armory from 4 to 6:30p.m. MEMO will have a booth set up and if you would like to help out let me know!

This will be my senior year and I really want to bring MEMO another step further than all we accomplished last year. If you are interested in more leadership type roles within MEMO please let me know. Also, if you have any ideas on ways to improve MEMO this semester please don't hesistate to let myself or Dave Martinez ( know!

Our first meeting will take place on Monday, September 13, in Armory 206A at 6pm.

Lets make this another great semester!

Joey Maestas
(303) 587-5721

Friday, May 21, 2010

Great Semester!

Hey Everyone,

I just want to thank you for making this such a successful semester for MEMO! We are on the right path to becoming a leading student group on campus. We have big plans for the fall semester and I look forward to working with everyone again. Make sure you keep a look out for meeting times as the fall semester draws closer. For those of you asking about t-shirts there was a complication and a new design will have to be created.

If you would like to take more of a leadership role within MEMO please let Dave Martinez ( or I know. I am currently in Italy studying abroad this summer but can always be contacted through email.

Thanks Again!

Joey Maestas
MEMO Chair

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

UCSU's 5th Annual Diversity Dinner

Several members of MEMO attended the UCSU 5th Annual Diversity Dinner tonight. It was a great dinner and presentation! Thank you for all that attended.

More 9News Pictures

9News Tour Today!

Hey Everyone,

MEMO hosted a Tour of 9News today and it was a blast! 9News intern and MEMO member Vignesh Ramachandran was one of the tour guides. We got the opportunity to sit down and watch a live newscast in the studio. The tour was very informative and a lot of fun! Thank you for all that came!


Monday, April 26, 2010

9News Tour Reminder

Hey Everyone,

Just a reminder that the 9News Tour is this Wednesday (4/28) from 11:00am-12:30. We will be leaving the Armory NO LATER than 10:15pm. We will have the opportunity to view the noon broadcast and tour the station! We can only have a maximum of 20 people to attend so you MUST RSVP in order to reserve your spot on the tour. Please RSVP to Dave Martinez ASAP to take advantage of this great opportunity. We will be carpooling down to Denver so If you have a car and are willing to drive please let Dave know in your RSVP.

Let Dave or I know if you have any questions.

Joey Maestas
MEMO Chair

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Brown Bag with Fernando Diaz

Here are some pictures from today's brown bag lunch! Fernando gave a great presentation and was VERY helpful to answering everyones questions.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

MEMO Brown Bag

Dear MEMO,

Tomorrow April 21 we have a very important guest.

His name is Feranando Diaz.

He is with the Chicago Tribune and Hoy on line.

I encourage you to attend his brown bag and ask questions.

He is a young and talented multi-media journalist.

He is one of the youngest administrators with the Tribune Corporation.

He is a board member at NAHJ and has tips for all of you
to succeed in national organizations.

He does on line work and wants to us to partner with Hoy
to punlish student stories.. How great would that be.

I need to show him our brightest stars and you are them.
I hope you take me off on this great opportunity.



Brown Bag
April 21, 2010
Noon - 1:00
Armory 1B01

Sunday, April 18, 2010

9News Date Change

Hi Everyone,

A GREAT opportunity has arose for next week. A multimedia specialist, Fernando Diaz, will be visiting the SJMC next Wednesday (4/21). This will be an awesome opportunity to learn and network from Mr. Diaz at a brown bag lunch at noon in Armory 1B01. More information is below.

We will be rescheduling the 9News Tour to Wednesday (4/28) from 11:00am-12:30. We will still have the same opportunity to view the noon broadcast. We can only have a maximum of 20 people to attend so you MUST RSVP in order to reserve your spot on the tour. Please RSVP to Dave Martinez ( asap to take advantage of this great opportunity. We will be carpooling down to Denver so If you have a car and are willing to drive please let Dave know in your RSVP.

If you have any questions please contact Dave or myself. Thank you!

Joey Maestas
MEMO Chair

Begin forwarded message:

From: David C Martinez
Date: April 16, 2010 4:09:52 PM MDT
To: David Martinez
Cc: Dave Martinez , Anthea Marcelle Johnson
Subject: Interested in being a multi-media journalist.... Find out how....

Dear Students,

Join us for lunch on Wednesday, April 21 at Noon in Armory 1B01.
Mr. Fernando Diaz is hoping to share his experiences in pursing
a career as a multi-media journalist and in higher management.

His bio below.

Fernando Diaz is the managing editor of Hoy Chicago, responsible for editorial strategy across print and digital platforms and collaboration with Chicago Tribune’s newsroom.

Before joining Hoy, Fernando was's community manager for news and opinion, where he contributed to the site’s success by creating dynamic content as well as recruiting a diverse base of bloggers; including crafting a post that generated 2.3 million page views. Prior to joining the Tribune Company, he was a bilingual investigative reporter at The Chicago Reporter, producing exclusive, computer-assisted reports on social justice issues and before that, a daily newspaper reporter covering local government at the Daily Herald and Democrat & Chronicle (Rochester, NY).

He is a graduate of Columbia College Chicago and a Maryland native. He is on the boards of the Chicago Association of Hispanic Journalists, the Chicago Journalists Association and the National Association of Hispanic Journalists who in 2008 recognized him as its emerging journalist of the year. He was named a finalist for the Livingston Award 2008 and was selected as an ethnic media fellow of the Institute for Justice and Journalism that same year for a project on immigrants in the military. He is a member of IRE and lives in Pilsen, Chicago.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Thanks to everyone who attended the potluck! We had a lot of good food and had fun watching Tropic Thunder!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Community Service Opportunity

Hey Everyone!
I spoke with someone from La Raza and they could use our help next Saturday.
That is the 24th! We would have to go to the Auraria Campus and the hours would
be 7 to 4! There are going to be a number of things for us to help with for
example: Registration, workshop monitoring, security, education fair, evaluation
and distributing lunch! Please let me know if you are available to help and if you
are interested ASAP! I was supposed to have the list of people for her today but I
did not receive this information until today and I knew that everyone would need it
before committing! If you could help it would be a great opportunity and I think it
could be really fun! Please reply either tonight or early tomorrow!
Thank you,
Nicole Sandoval
If you have any more question feel free to email me!

Potluck and Movie on Friday!

Hey Everyone,

Just a reminder that the MEMO Potluck Dinner and a Movie is tomorrow night (4/16) from 6:00pm to 9:00pm in Armory 206A. If you plan on coming please let me know if you haven't already. Let's make this a fun night!

More details on the blog:


Joey Maestas
MEMO Chair

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tour Today

Today's tour of Warren Miller was AWESOME! We were given a great tour by Manager of Development, Ginger Sheehy. We were also shown some of their production videos and given opportunities to ask about internships. Thank you for everyone who attended!


Sunday, April 11, 2010


Hey Everyone,

I hope you had a great weekend! Because of our events this week we will NOT be having a MEMO meeting on Tuesday night.

We have two big events this week that I hope to see everyone participate in! The first is a tour of Warren Miller Entertainment this Wednesday, April 14th at 3:00pm. We will be meeting in front of the SJMC at 2:30p and if you volunteered to drive please bring your car so we have enough transportation! There are still spots available for the tour so let me know if you want to take advantage of this great opportunity.


This Friday is our MEMO Potluck Dinner and Movie. It will take place between 6:00pm and 9:00p in Armory 206A. HOWEVER, we need more volunteers to bring food and supplies if we are going to make this dinner happen. For those of you who have already volunteered thank you but if you plan on coming please email me with what you are going to bring. Lets make this a fun night!!

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me. Thank you!

Joey Maestas
MEMO Chair

Thursday, April 1, 2010

MEMO Potluck Dinner!

Hey Everyone!

The MEMO Potluck Dinner and a Movie has been scheduled for Friday, April 16th from 6:00pm to 9:00pm in Armory 206A. We will be eating a variety of food, watching a movie, and hanging out as a group.

We need everyone to pitch in and bring food or supplies such as forks, spoons, knives, cups, drinks, dessert, main course etc… RSVP to me and let me know if you can come and what you would like to bring. Also, bring your favorite movie and we will vote on which one to watch. If If you want to bring blankets, pillows, etc… please feel free to bring them!

Lets make this a fun night!

Joey Maestas

MEMO Chair

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Recap of Meeting Tonight

Hi Everyone,

Great Meeting tonight! Here is what we went over:

Dave Martinez opened up the meeting and went over many important subjects:

-He stressed networking and how important it was to being able to get a good job after graduation

- He talked about how important it is to get involved and how that looks on scholarship applications

- He wants everyone to apply for the NAHJ Student Campus and to participate this summer at the NAHJ Conference in Denver

- He was proud of all our hard work and was very thankful for us nominating him for an award

Nicole Sandoval has taken the responsibility of organizing MEMO Community Service Projects. We all voted on the community service projects we might want to do. Volunteer work for La Raza and Boulder High School mentorship were the top two. More information is to come….

We went over dates for our up coming events:

- Warren Miller Tour: Wednesday, April 14th at 3pm

- Pot Luck Dinner and Movie Night: Friday, April 16th TBA time and location

- 9News Tour: Wednesday, April 21st from 11am- 12:30

We went over T-Shirts and everyone sizes were recorded

Talked about Senior Class Leadership: For more information about getting involved email

We wrapped up with an opportunity to get involved and gain experience with the group CU Science Update. Email Paul Daugherty for more details.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Warren Miller Tour

Hi Everyone,

I am happy to announce that MEMO will be hosting a tour of Warren Miller Entertainment right here in Boulder! The Tour will take place on Wednesday, April 14th at 3pm.

Manager of Development, Ginger Sheehy, will be talking to us about the company and the work that she does. She will also be showing us some of their recent videos that they have produced. In the tour we will get to see the offices where SKI Magazine is put together, their edit bays where they create their videos, and a whole lot more! This would also be a great opportunity to ask about internships.

For those of you who do not know much about Warren Miller I have put a couple links to their websites below:

- TV Production Website:

We will be meeting outside the SJMC at 2:30p and will carpool over to their office soon after. Their Boulder office is only 10 minutes away from the SJMC. There are only 15 spots available so please RSVP to me ( as soon as possible! If you are able to drive please let me know in your RSVP.

This is a great opportunity for everyone and I encourage you all to try and participate in this tour!

Joey Maestas
MEMO Chair

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Hey Everyone,

I hope you all had a great spring break! I just wanted to remind you of the MEMO meeting this Tuesday (3/30) at 5:15pm in Armory 206A. As Nicole mentioned please bring in your ideas for a community service project!

Also, please don't forget to RSVP to Dave Martinez,, if your interested in attending the 9News tour (see the blog for more details).

I look forward to seeing you all at the meeting!

Joey Maestas
MEMO Chair

Friday, March 26, 2010

MEMO Community Service

Hey Everyone,
I hope everyone is having a great break! Anyways I just wanted to ask everyone to
please think up one or two ideas that we could do for out community service by
our next meeting! We will go around and everyone will say there ideas and then we
can vote on what we want to do! Please do not forget! See you all soon!
Nicole Sandoval

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, March 19, 2010

9News Tour

Hi Everyone,

We have confirmed a time and date for a tour of 9News in April. It will take place on Wednesday, April 21st from 11:00am to 12:30pm. The tour will start at 11:00am and then we will be able to watch the noon newscast live in the studio!

We can only have a maximum of 20 people to attend so you MUST RSVP in order to reserve your spot on the tour. Please RSVP to Dave Martinez ( asap to take advantage of this great opportunity. We will be carpooling down to Denver so If you have a car and are willing to drive please let Dave know in your RSVP.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact Dave or myself.

Have a great spring break!!!

Joey Maestas
MEMO Chair

Monday, March 15, 2010

Change in MEMO Meeting

Hey Everyone,

We had a MEMO meeting scheduled for Tuesday night but due to unforeseen circumstances I will be unable to make it to the meeting. For that reason the meeting tomorrow night will NOT take place.

Our next meeting will take place Tuesday, March 30th.

Below are some of the events that are in the process of being planned for the month of April:

-9News Tour
-Warren Miller Tour
- Pot Luck Dinner and Movie
- Possible Volunteer opportunities

I hope all of you have a great spring break!

Joey Maestas
MEMO Chair

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Post Meeting Notes

Here is a rundown of what we went over last night:

- We went over and congratulated everyone on our grant that we applied for and received

- We talked about when the next KUSA Tour would be. Other ideas were brainstormed such as Warren Miller and Radio Stations

- Gabrielle went over the fundraising opportunity for concessions at CU Basketball games

- Genesis gave an update on partnership for fundraiser for Haiti

- Vignesh talked to everyone about having a sponsored MEMO event funded through the Multicultural Center. This would take place in Fall.

-We voted on a fun event for us to get together and do (Everyone wants to get together in one of the rooms in the Armory and have a pot-luck and watch a movie) This would take place on a Friday night. Some people also mentioned a group going to a Nuggets game.

-We voted on which T-shirt design we wanted to go with. We would want to add a buffalo to the back (See Below)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Meeting Tomorrow

Hey Everyone,

This is just a reminder of our MEMO meeting tomorrow (3/2) at 5:15p in Armory 206A. I hope to see you all there!

Joey Maestas
MEMO Chair

Thursday, February 18, 2010

MEMO Resume Workshop Tonight!

Director of Career Services and External Affairs Beth Gaeddert explaining to us how to write a successful resume!

Monday, February 15, 2010



Hey Everyone,

As you all know this Thursday is the Resume Workshop hosted by MEMO. I hope to see everyone there and taking part in this great event! SJMC Career Day is right around the corner and it would benefit everyone to have there resume edited!

Because of the event there will be NO MEMO MEETING THIS TUESDAY! However, the fundraising committee WILL meet at 5:15pm in Armory 206A on Tuesday.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Joey Maestas
MEMO Chair

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

SJMC Essay Help Workshop

Rachel helping out Pre-Journalism student Michaela Simon on her Broadcast News SJMC Admissions Essay

Crispin, Porter & Bogusky Tour


Sorry for the short notice!!!

MEMO invites students to visit and tour Crispin, Porter & Bogusky tomorrow
Thursday, February 11 at 4:00 pm. We are planning carpools, if you can drive or need a carpool, we will meet in front of the Armory at 3:15 pm.

Please let me know if you would like to be part of the tour. Again we
apologize for the short notice. Not due to our part :). Whew!!!!

Please come prepared with questions to ask them about the
advertising world creative or strategic..

Warm regards,


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:Advertising Firm Tour!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Spring Involvement Fair!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Volunteer Time Slots for Spring Involvement Fair


Joey Maestas- 10:30a to 12:45p

Rachel Dubrovin- 10:30a to 12:45p

Morgan Aguilar- 11:00a-12:15p

Alyssia Payan- 11:00a- 12:00p

Gabrielle Cox- 11:00a- 12:15p

Lauren Archuletta- 12:00p- 1:45p

Genesis Samayoa- 12:30p- 1:30p

*Samantha Walden- 1:00p-2:00p

*Noah Miranda- 1:00p-2:00p

*In charge of turning in evaluation form

NOTE: Event takes place in the Glen Miller Ballroom inside the UMC

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Post Meeting Notes 2/2

Hi Everyone,

Below is an overview of what we went over tonight at the meeting:

First, we went over the dates for our numerous upcoming events
- Spring Involvement Fair (Sign-Up Sheets were passed around)
- J-Board and MEMO Essay Workshop (Sign-Up Sheets were passed around)
- Crispin Porter Advertising Tour Update
- MEMO Hands on Resume Workshop update

We discussed Scholarships and Deadlines

We went over what everyone believes is the description for MEMO

We brainstormed T-Shirt Designs and discussed what the perfect T-Shirt for MEMO would have on it

The Fundraising Committee Met after the meeting

Monday, February 1, 2010

Essay Workshop


Hey Everyone!

It is a very busy time in MEMO right now and there are a lot of opportunities to contribute to the group. Please make sure you are taking advantage of every opportunity! This post is packed full of information so please make sure you read it thoroughly and mark down these important dates.

I first want to remind everyone of our meeting tomorrow Feb. 2 at 5:15pm in Armory 206A. If you are unable to attend please check the blog to find out what we went over! Also, tonight is the deadline to get your shirt design ideas or logos submitted to me for consideration!

This Thursday (2/4) MEMO will be participating in the Spring Student Involvement Fair from 10:30am-2pm in the Glen Miller Ball Room located inside the UMC. This will be a GREAT opportunity to recruit more members to MEMO! However, we need volunteers!! Please let me know ASAP if you are able to help out at our booth for any amount of time on Thursday.

Also, on Wednesday, February 10 at 5:30pm, J-Board and MEMO will be working together to help read and go over people’s essays for SJMC admission and scholarships. We will need plenty volunteers from MEMO! Please make sure you let me know if you are able to help out.

Finally, I am happy to announce that Beth Gaeddert will be hosting a ‘hands on’ Resume Workshop exclusively for MEMO! This workshop will be taking place on Thursday, February 18 at 5:15pm in Armory 218. Be sure to bring your resume or work in progress to be examined by Beth and fellow MEMO Students!

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Dave Martinez ( or myself and continue to check the calendar on the blog for updated event statuses.

Thank You!

Joey Maestas

MEMO Chair

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

MEMO T-Shirt Contest!

ey Everyone!

This semester we would like to create MEMO T-Shirts! The T-Shirts will help spread the word of our organization and unite us even more. We have been in contact with a couple of vendors but we need YOUR help!!

We are putting together a contest, within MEMO, to come up with the best logo, saying/quote, or design for our T-Shirts. The ideal shirt will contain a catchy phrase or design and help promote our group. The person that comes up with the best final product for our T-Shirts will receive from me:

(1) A $10 Dollar Chipotle Gift Card
(2) Their MEMO T-Shirt Free of Charge
(3) Bragging rights that they created the MEMO T-Shirt!

Your ideas, images, logos, quotes etc... can be emailed to me at All proposals must be submitted to me by Midnight on Monday, February 1st. The winner will be revealed during our meeting on Tuesday, February 2nd at 5:15pm in Armory 206A.

If you have any questions please let me know. Good Luck!

Joey Maestas
MEMO Chair

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Calendar of Events for Spring 2010!

Check it out the new schedule for this semester! Just click Calendar of Events under Welcome to MEMO

Post Meeting Notes For 1/19/10 Meeting!

Hey Everyone,

Great meeting last night! Here is an outline for what we went over:

· We discussed where and when is the best time to meet this semester

o About 75% of you said Tuesdays were the best day to meet (Still tentative)

o Everyone agreed the SJMC is the best place to meet

· A plan for a new fundraising committee was revealed

o This committee will seek out and come up with ideas for MEMO funding

o A sign up sheet was passed around to everyone interested

· Genesis talked about a CPA event partnership and Recruitment/Mentoring

o The CPA will require volunteers and a sign up sheet was handed out

o We discussed a partnership with the NBSA

o We discussed goals for Recruitment and Mentoring

§ We want to be able to attract more incoming freshman

· The SJMC programs offered sheet will be revised about MEMO

· Ideas for booths, flyers etc… were brainstormed

· We came up with a schedule for things we would like to do for the spring semester (see schedule)

· We discussed reaching out to Alumni through Facebook

· Reminders about picking up SJMC scholarships from Dave

· We have come up with a goals we would like to accomplish this semester

o More Community/charity involvement

§ Host an event?

§ Contribute to an organization?

o Recruitment of Members

§ Revise SJMC programs offered sheet about MEMO

§ Set up booths for sign up?

§ Reach out through email

o More opportunities such as the 9News “light the lights”

o Getting website more well known throughout CU n

o Opportunities for more tours

§ KUSA 9

§ Radio Station

§ Crispin Porter

§ Another Ad agency?

o More time ‘together’ as a group

§ Extreme Challenge

§ Jump Street

§ Pot-Luck Dinner

§ Movie Night

§ Sporting Events

o Come up with a T-shirt design for t-shirts for MEMO

If you have any questions let Dave or myself know. Great job everyone!

Joey Maestas

MEMO Chair